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Daylilies (Spring)

Daylily Bulbs

Daylilies produce an abundance of bright green arching foliage and a display of colorful lily-like flowers over a long period.   Individual flowers last only one day, but each plant produces many buds.   Dwarf Daylilies are ideal for a small garden or for containers.  Virtually fool-proof, Daylilies can grow from zones 1 to11, making them one of the most adaptable plants in the garden.  Plant in fall or early spring with spring-flowering bulbs to hide the fading foliage. See our Daylilies by the Bushel and Daylily Clump Specials for naturalizing large areas. 

Aztec Gold Daylily

Aztec Gold Daylily
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Aztec Gold Daylilies have bright 3½” golden yellow flowers; repeat bloomer - flowers 3 times!

Size: #1 division
Plant: 1 Root Per Sq Ft
Bloom Time: Late Spring
Planting Depth: Cover with 3" of soil
Height: 16"
Zone: 3-9
Exposure: Sunny

Bengaleer Daylily

Bengaleer Daylily
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Bengaleer Daylily has bright yellow/orange 7" blooms which really stand out in the garden. With 36" stems it is tall, old fashioned & beautiful. Heavy bloomer, giving an almost constant array of gorgeous flowers.

Size: #1 division
Plant: 1 Root Per Sq Ft
Bloom Time: Early Summer
Planting Depth: Cover with 3" of soil
Height: 36"
Zone: 3-9
Exposure: Sunny

Bonanza Daylily

Bonanza Daylily
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Bonanza Daylily is golden yellow with a red halo. It grows quickly and is easy to divide and transplant. It blooms profusely, even in partial sun.

Size: #1 division
Plant: 1 Root Per Sq Ft
Bloom Time: Late Spring
Planting Depth: Cover with 3" of soil
Height: 30"
Zone: 3-9
Exposure: Sunny

Breathless Beauty Daylily

Breathless Beauty Daylily
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Breathless Beauty Daylily is wine-red with a bright lime green throat. Takes the heat well and doesn't fade in the sun.  

Size: #1 division
Plant: 1 Root Per Sq Ft
Bloom Time: Mid Spring
Planting Depth: Cover with 3" of soil
Height: 40"
Zone: 3-9
Exposure: Sunny

Buttered Popcorn Daylily

Buttered Popcorn Daylily
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Buttered Popcorn Daylily – the name says it all! With rich buttery-yellow blooms, it’s one of the first to start blooming, and it puts on a show for weeks. Performs well in both sun and shade. Heavy rebloomer.

Size: #1 division
Plant: 1 Root Per Sq Ft
Bloom Time: Early Summer
Planting Depth: Cover with 3" of soil
Height: 30"
Zone: 3-9
Exposure: Sunny

Chicago Apache Daylily

Chicago Apache Daylily
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Chicago Apache is an outstanding Daylily with very deep velvety red ruffled flowers and a yellow throat. It blooms late, when most do not - one of the last to bloom. Chicago Apache is extremely sunfast, unusual for a red daylily.

Size: #1 division
Plant: 1 Root Per Sq Ft
Bloom Time: Late Spring
Planting Depth: Cover with 3" of soil
Height: 16"
Zone: 3-9
Exposure: Sunny

Erin Prairie Daylily

Erin Prairie Daylily
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Erin Prairie Daylily is bright lemon-yellow with a green throat. It is a full-sun fragrant perennial which can take drought but loves a wet spot where it can spread. Medium height.

Size: #1 division
Plant: 1 Root Per Sq Ft
Bloom Time: Early Summer
Planting Depth: Cover with 3" of soil
Height: 24"
Zone: 3-9
Exposure: Sunny

Frans Hals Daylily

Frans Hals Daylily
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Frans Hals Daylily is a beautiful yellow-orange and cinnamon bi-color. It is a prolific bloomer – up to 50 buds!

Size: #1 division
Plant: 1 Root Per Sq Ft
Bloom Time: Late Spring
Planting Depth: Cover with 3" of soil
Height: 26"
Zone: 3-9
Exposure: Sunny

George Caleb Bingham Daylily

George Caleb Bingham Daylily
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George Caleb Bingham Daylily has a large, triangle-shaped flower, softly brushed in colors from pink to creamy ivory midribs and yellow-green throats.

Size: #1 division
Plant: 1 Root Per Sq Ft
Bloom Time: Early Summer
Planting Depth: Cover with 3" of soil
Height: 30"
Zone: 3-9
Exposure: Sunny

Grape Magic Daylily

Grape Magic Daylily
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Grape Magic Daylily is purple with a dark purple center and yellow throat. It is a sweet little Daylily that blooms a lot and has a very pretty color. Repeat bloomer.

Size: #1 division
Plant: 1 Root Per Sq Ft
Bloom Time: Late Spring
Planting Depth: Cover with 3" of soil
Height: 18"
Zone: 3-9
Exposure: Sunny

Hyperion Daylily

Hyperion Daylily
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Hyperion Daylily flowers are a bright, light yellow. This classic has been a border favorite for decades. It’s tough as nails and can live through droughts, rains and neglect. Prolific, vigorous and dependable, long-lived and easy to grow. In other words, a winner. Midseason.

Size: #1 division
Plant: 1 Root Per Sq Ft
Bloom Time: Early Summer
Planting Depth: Cover with 3" of soil
Height: 36"
Zone: 3-9
Exposure: Sunny

Kwanzo Daylily

Kwanzo Daylily
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Kwanzo is an old classic Daylily with triple blooms that are orange, streaked with rust. An early season bloomer, it’s been around a long time for good reason -- it's gorgeous.

Size: #1 division
Plant: 1 Root Per Sq Ft
Bloom Time: Late Spring
Planting Depth: Cover with 3" of soil
Height: 36"
Zone: 3-9
Exposure: Sunny

Lavender Blush Daylily

Lavender Blush Daylily is an early-mid summer bloomer which has 6" fragrant flowers of a beautiful orchid blend, with creamy midribs and a soft green throat. It is a vigorous grower and a rebloomer.

Size: 1-2 fan plants
Plant: 1 Root Per Sq Ft
Bloom Time: Mid Summer
Planting Depth: Cover with 3" of soil
Height: 24-26"
Zone: 3-9
Exposure: Sunny

Lemon Yellow Daylily

Lemon Yellow Daylily
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Lemon Yellow Daylily is one of the first to bloom from late spring to early summer.  Its large trumpet-shaped flowers are a clear lemon yellow color.  It spreads underground and can be propogated by either division or seed.

Size: #1 division
Plant: 1 Root Per Sq Ft
Bloom Time: Early Summer
Planting Depth: Cover with 3" of soil
Height: 36-48"
Zone: 3-9
Exposure: Sunny

Mary Reed Daylily

Mary Reed Daylily
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Mary Reed Daylily is a beautiful purple to raspberry bi-tone with white mid-ribs and yellowish-green throat. Its flowers stay open into the night rather than closing at sunset like so many daylilies do. A heavy bloomer with small blossoms, Mary Reed also re-blooms in warmer regions.

Size: #1 division
Plant: 1 Root Per Sq Ft
Bloom Time: Late Spring
Planting Depth: Cover with 3" of soil
Height: 26"
Zone: 3-9
Exposure: Sunny

Mary Todd Daylily

Mary Todd Daylily
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Mary Todd Daylily produces golden-yellow blooms that are heavily ruffled. Mary Todd is a stately beauty with prolific bloom over a long period.

Size: #1 division
Plant: 1 Root Per Sq Ft
Bloom Time: Late Spring
Planting Depth: Cover with 3" of soil
Height: 30"
Zone: 3-9
Exposure: Sunny

Mauna Loa Daylily

Mauna Loa Daylily
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Mauna Loa Daylily has large bright-orange 5” blooms. One of the brightest orange daylilies -- really adds a bright spot to the garden. Fragrant and dependable.

Size: #1 division
Plant: 1 Root Per Sq Ft
Bloom Time: Mid Spring
Planting Depth: Cover with 3" of soil
Height: 40"
Zone: 3-9
Exposure: Sunny

My Melinda Daylily

My Melinda Daylily
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My Melinda Daylily is salmon-pink with light pink veining and hints of yellow. Wide petaled and very vigorous and long blooming.

Size: #1 division
Plant: 1 Root Per Sq Ft
Bloom Time: Mid Spring
Planting Depth: Cover with 3" of soil
Height: 24"
Zone: 3-9
Exposure: Sunny

Prairie Blue Eyes Daylily

Prairie Blue Eyes Daylily
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Prairie Blue Eyes Daylily have 5" lavender blooms with a large, yellow-green throat and purple midribs. The sepals are dramatically recurved, revealing the flower's triangular form. With dark purple filaments with sulphur yellow anthers, it blooms prolifically in midsummer. 

Size: 1-2 fan plants
Plant: 1 Root Per Sq Ft
Bloom Time: Early Summer
Planting Depth: Cover with 3" of soil
Height: 26"
Zone: 3-9
Exposure: Sunny

Rose Red Ruffles Daylily

Rose Red Ruffles Daylily
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Rose Red Ruffles Daylily has rosy-colored petals with lighter shade veins and is slightly ruffled on the edges. It is distinguished by a deeper red eyezone and a green throat.  Fragrant.

Size: #1 division
Plant: 1 Root Per Sq Ft
Bloom Time: Late Spring
Planting Depth: Cover with 3" of soil
Height: 24"
Zone: 3-9
Exposure: Sunny

Stella d'Oro Daylily

Stella d'Oro Daylily
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One of the best known of all the daylilies, Stella d'Oro has bright lemon yellow flowers. This small and compact Daylily is a steadfast and reliable performer. Stella d’Oro will bloom prolifically from May to frost and is very winter-hardy.

Size: #1 division
Plant: 1 Root Per Sq Ft
Bloom Time: Mid Spring
Planting Depth: Cover with 3" of soil
Height: 14"
Zone: 3-9
Exposure: Sunny

Strawberry Candy Daylily

Strawberry Candy Daylily
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Strawberry Candy Daylily is apricot-pink with red tinted edges, a strawberry red eye-zone and a yellow throat. Heavily ribboned. Prolific bloomer.

Size: #1 division
Plant: 1 Root Per Sq Ft
Bloom Time: Mid Spring
Planting Depth: Cover with 3" of soil
Height: 40"
Zone: 3-9
Exposure: Sunny

Strutters Ball Daylily

Strutters Ball Daylily
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Strutters Ball Daylily has incredible 6", deep purple tepals with a silvery-white halo that radiates out. With a small lemon-green throat and dark purple stamens it is a stunning display of purple.

Size: 1-2 fan plants
Plant: 1 Root Per Sq Ft
Bloom Time: Early Summer
Planting Depth: Cover with 3" of soil
Height: 26"
Zone: 3-9
Exposure: Sunny

Wilson's Yellow Daylily

Wilson's Yellow Daylily
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Wilson’s Yellow Daylily has 4½ “ yellow flowers with a red band of color shading into the bright yellow throat.

Size: #1 division
Plant: 1 Root Per Sq Ft
Bloom Time: Mid Spring
Planting Depth: Cover with 3" of soil
Height: 36"
Zone: 3-9
Exposure: Sunny

Wine Delight Daylily

Wine Delight Daylily
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Wine Delight Daylily has small rosy to wine red flowers with a yellow throat.   It is a semi-evergreen species, maintaining its foliage the year long in warm zones. Wine Delight Daylily blooms almost continuously

Size: #1 division
Plant: 1 Root Per Sq Ft
Bloom Time: June-July
Planting Depth: Cover with 3" of soil
Height: 18-26"
Zone: 3-9
Exposure: Sunny

Photo by Nora Jukes used with permission.              

Yellowstone Daylily

Yellowstone Daylily
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Yellowstone Daylily is light yellow with an extended bloom.

Size: #1 division
Plant: 1 Root Per Sq Ft
Bloom Time: Early Spring
Planting Depth: Cover with 3" of soil
Height: 36"
Zone: 3-9
Exposure: Sunny

Daylily Mixture

Daylily Mixture
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Our Daylily Mixture includes a wide range of colors and heights.  

Size: #1 division
Plant: 1 Root Per Sq Ft
Bloom Time: Mid Spring
Planting Depth: Cover with 3" of soil
Height: 26-30"
Zone: 3-9
Exposure: Sunny

Daylilies by the Bushel

Daylilies by the Bushel
Mixed PinksMixed Reds
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Daylilies produce an abundance of bright green arching foliage and a display of colorful lily-like flowers over a long period. Virtually fool-proof, Daylilies can grow from zones 1 to 11. One bushel of our Daylilies (approximately 100 count per 1-2 eye divisions) will cover an average of 150 sq. ft.

Size: 1-2 eye divisions
Plant: 1 Root Per Sq Ft
Bloom Time: Mid Spring
Planting Depth: Cover with 3" of soil
Height: 24"
Zone: 3-9
Exposure: Sunny

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